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'The lyrics of "Old" are subtle shades of melancholy and reflection; they naturally prompt us to contemplate time, the past, and the changes that occur in our lives.  "Old" reminds us of the importance of self-understanding and self-acceptance, with all our complexes, doubts, and hopes.'

- VOX Magazine 

'PIEN’s distinctive voice and heartfelt delivery bring an added layer of authenticity to “WTF.” Her soulful vocals effortlessly convey the emotions embedded within the lyrics, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding. With her ability to strike a delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, PIEN captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression.'

‘Clouds’ impressively conveys the relaxing atmosphere of a blissful summer afternoon from the mind of this young artist, while its lyrics oppose the tranquillity with its emotional and sometimes bitter lyrics. Stringed sounds from banjo and slide guitar contrast nicely with ambient synth and soft drums, with PIEN’s sweet and delicate pop vocals atop them.'
- Happy Magazine 

‘WTF’ continues to highlight what makes PIEN and her thoughtful sound feel so captivating and true, and anyone who feels bewildered and overwhelmed by modern dating will find solace in its sincerity and earnest nature.'

'"The Cover" stands out for its precise production, full of detail from the very first seconds. How many different sounds can you catch in the first 15 seconds? We dare you to find them all! But what truly shines in the song, from the very first words, is PIEN’s incredible voice. Enhanced by an enchanting reverb, her voice lifts us with surprising lightness, carrying us onto a cloud. You get caught up in it, close your eyes, and float off on a magical journey that lasts just under three minutes. By the time the song ends, you’ll open your eyes and wonder if it was all real. 

- Indie Music Centre

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